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  • The colored teams indicates the position of the forecast

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Classification Premier League 22-23
Pos Team Played Wins Drawns Losts F A Pts
1 Manchester City 382855943389
2 Arsenal 382666884384
3 Manchester United 382369584375
4 Newcastle United 3819145683371
5 Liverpool 3819109754767
6 Brighton 3818911725163
7 Tottenham 3818614706360
8 Brentford 3815149584659
9 Aston Villa 3817813504659
10 Fulham 3815716555352
11 Crystal Palace 38111215404945
12 Chelsea 38111116384744
13 Wolverhampton 3811819315841
14 West Ham Utd 3811720425540
15 Bournemouth 3811621377139
16 Everton 3881218345736
17 Nottingham Forest 3881218366836
18 Leicester 389722516834
19 Leeds 3871021487831
20 Southampton 386824367226
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contabilizada premier, el mejor jesule04...
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La 9 fecha del futbol argentino comienza...
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si gracias
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